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Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction
Please read these terms carefully as they state how this Membership works, cancelation, late payments and how some of the services work

2. Membership
This membership will grant you full access to all the service until the membership is finished or terminated.  

2.1 By purchasing this monthly membership, you are agreeing to the recurring monthly membership fee, and you accept responsibility for the charges until the membership has come to and end or you cancel. 

2.2 Please be advised that you MUST be 18 years of age and over to purchase this Membership.

2.3 Prices may change on the plan but you will be notified a month in advance before your next billing date.  

3. Refunds 
Stand Up Fathers will not issue out Refunds for the memberships. Refunds will only be issued in the event of an event taken place that has been cancelled and if you have paid an additional cost apart from the membership fee

4. Services
Although the services are free with your membership, in regards to  "Dads Days Out" we may ask for a small contribution towards some of the activities of up to 20% to help us fund the activity.

4.1 To access the "Cyrus Fund Pot" you will have to be a member for a minimum of 3 months. This is to ensure the pot is funded for coparenting dads that need the legal aid but as well to prevent coparenting dads applying for legal aid and then cancelling there membership which can leave dads who need the assistance potentially not being able to receive the help needed 

4.2 The "Cyrus Fund Pot" is for coparenting dads who are on a low income and by agreeing to this you accept us to take the necessary  information to prove that this is true and are eligible to use this service. 

4.3 Please note that we will not hand over any funds to applicants and we will require the information to the parties that need the funds to pay them directly ourselves. This is to ensure the funds are being used for the actual purpose. 

4.4 Please be aware some services such as "Dads days out, Daddy and me days may not run every month

5. Restriction of use
Members will not be able to access any of the services if the monthly payment has not been made. However, we will allow up to 7 days to make the payment before restricting the use of some of the services

5.1 Services that will have immediate restriction will be 'Cyrus fund pot'. You will be able to apply for the pot but no funds will be released until the monthly payment is made 

6. Termination
You are able to cancel your membership at any time with no added fees. However, if you will need to cancel 7 days before your next billing date or you will still be required to pay for that month.

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